Just managed this afternoon to install my display in venue 10 of Rochford Art Trail (RAT). The unit, 'Beyond the Sun' is awaiting redesign and the owner, Robert Dye, gave me pretty well free rein to install around his eclectic mix of things for sale. K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid) was my approach. The unit is not always open, so my work is visible from the street - window screen printed vinyls, mono prints and pastel portraits.
The Trail is on from Saturday 22nd to Saturday 29th October. See this link for details and a pdf Trail Map download.
You are doing so well with the summer of art and all the trails -Well done - I have made a little book of the chelmsford art trail and there is 'one copy' on show at Waterstone's Chelmsford if your passing :)