Friday, 26 October 2012

RAT (Rochford Art Trail) 2012
Having got back into film and using individual frames to create photo montage installations, I returned to the original piece using this technique and have re-hung "9 seconds", made in 2008 which has sat on a shelf in the studio since returning from a student show in Beijing.  It was good to see the overall effect  again.  However, as Sam at the Hadleigh Bike shop Velo Virtuoso, wants to keep my installation "Velo" up on the wall, I recreated it  with "Velo 2" at Rochford.  Given a lot of wall space by my venue (Giles Wilson Solicitors) I took on the hanging task starting yesterday afternoon and finished at 4pm today.  I actually hung 530 6x4 prints with 1220 bits of WhiteTak (well you have to think of something while you're doing that sort of thing.)  I was running late to hang the remaining postcards for the Charity postcard sale at Venue 1 who were just closing so I have left it to Tessa to finish off, thank goodness (Sorry, Tess and thanks.)
By the way, as I like doing these installations (which doesn't sell any art) it's rather a paradox that I actually ended up spending by ordering a new bike from my Hadleigh venue. (Is this how art trails are supposed to turn out?)

1 comment:

  1. I can see why the bike shop would want to keep the Installation and video - nice compliment. Good luck with Rochford Art Trail -
